Keep Your Business Afloat with Consistent Prospecting

Prospecting is the Life-Blood of Your Real Estate Business

Welcome to our recruiting blog here at Peterson Goff in Sioux Falls. We're just going to be sharing tips on how to make real estate agents more consistent with their business and teach them how to get better results out of their deals. 

The major thing with prospecting is that you have to do it consistently. The hardest part is probably just staying on top of all this work.

One of the best ways around this is just to shave out a certain time everyday that you can devote to prospecting. You have to treat it like an important appointment that you're not going to miss. Devote 1-3 hours for this everyday, and you will start seeing results.

It's undoubtedly true that technology has changed our business. However, there is no replacement to getting on the phone and calling someone. Technology has made it easier for agents to find people and get in front of them, but you cannot forget about person-to-person communication. There is no technology available to enhance face-to-face communication, and you need to hone this skill. Often times you will have to call someone more than once, so you will need a lot of practice with prospecting for clients.

Hopefully this information has been helpful. I know it was short, but if you need to contact me with any questions or comments, then please feel free to do so. I am always here to help you here in the Sioux Falls area.

We would love to arrange a time for you to sit down and chat with us.

Call me at (605) 370-5523 or email me at